Monday, June 28, 2010

New York Comic Jam - July 1st

D for effort.

Once more, my brothers, once more we cast ourselves into the night in search of spirits and ahrrrt. We shall start our hunt at Jack Demsey's Pub, where in the basement we shall find a murder of nerds, scribbling away making penis and flatulence jokes by the bushel. It is, the New York Comic Jam! Come one, come all — experience the thrill of live comic book action, the likes that have never been seen before!

Thursday, July 1, 7 pm - 11ish
Jack Demsey's Pub
36 West 33rd Street, in the basement
New York

Bring your pencils, pens and snuff!

New website coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Hog cum, hog cum

Cheese said...

someone from has a thing for me, how sweet.