Thursday, July 29, 2010

NYC Comic Jam ninth Anniversary - Aug. 5th

Come one, come all to the latest NYC Comic Jam. For nine years, The NYC Comic Jam has gathered the best from New York's indie comics community to get drunk and draw comics. The NYC comic jam continues the long tradition of cartoonists only being able to stand other cartoonists. It's a place to showcase your funny bone or just sit in and watch the live-action cartoonery.

Thursday, Aug. 5th - 7 pm - 11ish
Jack Demsey's Pub
36 West 33rd St., NYC
In the basement

Get more information at our facebook page or on our still under construction website revamp:

So, what's the story on Ho12monthly#2???

Hey, that's a good question. Here's the deal. After about 2 months of back and forth with the powers that be, we've finally gotten the go ahead for issue #2! The book will be a supersized spectacular featuring new work from five great artists: Kate Lacour, Dave McKenna, David Paleo, Fred Noland and myself. You can expect it in about 2-3 weeks via Comixology's Comics app (would have been sooner, but I've been bed-ridden with the flu all week).

Here's a peek at the cover, I'll do a whole post on this next week...