Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So I just ruined a large pile of 11x17 paper and am feeling guilty about it.  So it's not a total wash, I am going to do a bunch of monsters on them in a salute to Halloween being around the corner.   Here are the two I did at the office tonight.

These kinda go along with my running theme of late, creatures of darkness. This past summer I worked on a project for an art show in Los Angles at Chris Prynoski's animation studio, Titmouse, Inc. the theme of which was a Tribute to Gary Gygax. My piece was a recreated notebook from a High School junior, complete with cribbed calculus notes and about a dozen or so highly rendered pencil drawings of monsters and mayhem. It turned out really well and more then likely you will see it in print before MoCCA 2009.


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